On Mon, Mar 24, 2008 at 07:25:30PM -0400, Karen Thomas wrote:
> On the same page with Stan's videos about saddle fit, 
> http://www.hestakaup.com/content/view/59/97/ , he said something I'd never 
> heard before: "There is much to suggest that the t?lt was only discovered in 
> Iceland by some priests who first wrote about it in the 1850's and prior to 
> that the horses went in a pace to which they were confined by their rigid 
> wooden saddles."
> Has anyone else heard that?   Could it be true?  

it seems very unlikely to me.  according to most of the icelanders i've
spoken to, kids often ride bareback in the fields, so they would have
felt saddle-free gaits from childhood.


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