On Mon, Mar 24, 2008 at 04:26:54AM -0800, Nancy  Sturm wrote:
> >> Would it be OK to be consistently inconsistent?
> I had a trainer friend in the old days who used  the consistantly 
> inconsistant  method because she said when they went to shows, she couldn't 
> guarantee consistancy and they did better when they got used to it.  She 
> trained the national champion Appaollsa trail horse, so her method seemed 
> not to ruin her horse.

this is also the reward schedule that works best on rats; it's a standby
of undergraduate psychology labs :)
> I use the complete other method, assuming that all horses are autistic and 
> need structure and routine in their lives.   I feed by the clock.  It makes 
> life easier in some ways because they become so habituated to the schedule 
> that they never have to be caught.  They're waiting at the gait at exactly 
> 4:00.

this is probably beter for their digestion, though i am not sure it is
better for their minds -- horses didn't evolve being fed by-the-clock.
we feed free-choice hay (stjarni doesn't get grain to speak of at all),
and stjarni comes to see me 90% of the time i appear rather than having
to be caught.  (he won't get up from a nap in the sun, but will allow me
to go to him and lie down alongside :)


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