I posted a video I called "biglick hocks" on youtube after the Dixie
Plantation horse show, and it has over 1500 views now and some
comments.  You can see it here:


and here are some comments.  ironically one comment FOR biglick is
from a barn where someone I know bought a horse and it is infamously
famous in this whole area as the craziest walking horse anyone has
ever seen, started at two, as a biglick show horse.

anyway, here are some of the comments fyi:

People are dumb, this horse is fine! ya'll need to quit critisizing
and look at what you do to improve, enhance your own horses
gaits/performance! get over it. If it hurt the horse than it would be
considered inhumane and be banned! The Celebration is just as, if not
bigger than congress so im sure if it was affecting the horses in any
way SOMONE would notice! Thats why they have to be inspected also
BEFORE they enter the arena!
stressedhead (1 week ago) Show Hide

How can any true horse lover stand up and say that "looks good" It is
not natural, its gross, natural walkers look happy, these guys look
dusty41497 (2 weeks ago) Show Hide

this isn't natural, so it shouldn't be allowed.
Lurk420 (4 weeks ago) Show Hide

TWH's can gait just fine without all that crap. The greedy
breeders/owners/judges etc. in the Big Lick industry should be
ashamed, as well as others in other breeds that harm animals or breed
weird traits because they like the looks. My THW gaits barefoot and in
a rope halter, has 24/7 turnout, and will never be in a stinkin' show
that allows stacks, pads, chains, etc.
HeavensGaitWalkers (1 month ago) Show Hide

ain't nothin wrong with this horse's hocks; he looks like he has a
killer backend...Walkers are bred for hocks like this, it gives them
more reach and longer stride with their hind legs.
mixizmex (1 month ago) Show Hide

i agree with taliaa070
ScribbleBear (1 month ago) Show Hide

Just the same, most tennessee walking horses do not have chains, nor
pads used on them. My twhs are barefoot.


even good horses have bad days sometimes.

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