On Apr 1, 2008, at 3:18 PM, Renee Martin wrote:

> He's doing great.
> http://youtube.com/watch?v=LCLvM__EbBU

Kat -- I love it!   Hey, where do you guys get those big balls?

We get them:


if any one finds a better deal, let me know.  The ones with the cloth  
covers hold up a lot longer then the "naked" balls, and they have a  
large selection of patterns/colors.  I believe the one in the video  
is 40".

Let me know how it goes.  I should warn you that Dancer made friends  
with the big green ball when he was only a couple hours old  -- so he  
always saw it as normal part of his environment.  As you can tell,  
although they have had several years of exposure, the other horses  
are not quit so sure that moving ball has no ill intent.


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