On Thu, Apr 3, 2008 at 11:12 AM, Judy Ryder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It Doesn't Get Any Better Than This!
>      Trainers' Show Hosts 886 Entries
>      by Jeffrey Howard
>                  SHELBYVILLE, Tenn. - We're back! The National Walking
> Horse Trainers' Show enjoyed its best show in recent memory
>                  With the previous years' industry conflict over, this year
> the unity between industry groups was evident with the attitude surrounding
> the show. For the first time since 1983 the USDA did not attend the show to
> assist with the inspection process. Johnson addressed the condition of the
> horses. "The trainers had their horses in good shape, brought the numbers
> and we had a great show." Show Co-Manager Buist Carr said, "We need to
> commend the trainers for how they presented their horses. This show is a
> tribute to the hard work they have put in to presenting good horses."
>                  As for the inspection by NHSC DQPs, it couldn't have gone
> much better. All in all, 851 horses were inspected and only two pre-show
> violations were handed out by the DQPs.

Was it really a good show with no soring?  Why wasn't the USDA
present?  Can we really believe that they are policing themselves to a
level as good or as stringent as the USDA?  All that change in one
year when the trainers refused to be inspected by the USDA the year
before?  I hate to be a cynic, but I feel like this article is just a
bunch of bulls***.  I'm sure the trainers are thrilled that they
didn't have to undergo the scutiny of the USDA because they had their
own judges.  I hope someone credible outside the breed will come back
and say that they were there and they really didn't have any soring
this year.  I pray I'm wrong in not believing the article because that
would mean that the horses are not suffering.  Sorry, but sounds like
a bunch of propaganda to me and somehow they got the USDA not to be
there so that it is business as usual.  Maybe none of the USDA vets
didn't want to be there after having their lives threatened last year.

Southern Ohio

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