--- Nancy  Sturm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Tosca got shoes this morning.  The only way I could have continued
barefoot would have been to use boots or ride her a lot less.  I just
hate messing with the boots
> Nancy 

I totally understand not wanting to put boots on with each ride, most
people seem not to want to do that.

Just to let you know that there are good alternatives to a shod horse
vs a barefoot one.  There are poly shoes that are awesome.  They
allow for hoof movement and give contact to the frog so that they
frog can function like a barefoot horse.

Ground Controll poly shoes

Eponas poly shoes

Easy Walkers shoes

All 3 of these are a poly shoe, each is different and each is a
different price.

The ground controlls can be the cheapest, and wear nicely

Eponas we like, but have had some issues with the cushion part coming

Easy Walkers are nice, but out of the 3 are the least flexible, but
are probably the better choice in a rockier area.

We use all 3 for different reasons, depending on the hoof, the area
ridden and stabled and the owners.

Any questions I would be happy to answer them!


   tropicaltreks.com  808-443-6085  
   Fire Island Professional Farrier Service-640-6080

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