>>> I think these horses ... and probably all horses and other living things... 
>>> benefit from being with people who are able to focus more on the journey 
>>> than the destination.  Jacki

Jacki said this yesterday, and I meant to comment.  I was just reminded to 
mention it when I read Susan Coomb's post about "join up."   This is why I'm 
comfortable with Cali going to Jacki.  Jacki knows that Cali has over 11 years 
of wariness towards people.   She knows that Cali hasn't been saddle-trained, 
and that her previous owner thought her too nervous to ever be saddle trained. 
I don't agree at all that Cali is a nervous horse - I think she's an unhandled 
horse, who was caught in a self-fulfilling cycle that I think CAN be broken.  
me there's a HUGE difference.   "Wary" is the word I used re: Cali when I first 
got her - it's MUCH better, but I can still see some traces of it.  Cali has 
been "neglected" only as far as relationship-building, partnerships with 
but I'm pretty confident that she was never "physically neglected."  She was 
never abused.   Cali doesn't appear to have any abusive training to overcome - 
certainly no under saddle training at all, and no "gait training" -  nor do I 
believe that she has any association of pain with humans...but nonetheless, she 
DOES have 11 years of wariness ingrained into psyche.  That alone has to be 
overcome, but I think Cali WANTS that to change.

Unfortunately, we see some Icelandic's who have both that "wariness" from lack 
of handling (no deep trust in humans) AND horses who have been trained with 
force, even to the point of abuse.  Horses who have been trained with specific 
goals in mind, with a specific schedule in mind - some of the goals and 
schedules very inappropriate for some horses.   Thankfully, Cali doesn't have 
this double-whammy to overcome...but gosh, sometimes I look at what a curious, 
willing student she is now, and think, wow, what a shame that her first 11 
were so unstimulating for her.   I think her curiosity and intelligence will 
make that little wary edge disappear with time - but will it ever be 100% of 
what it might have been?  Who knows?  It certainly isn't going to miraculously 
go away 100% this year, although I'm optimistic that it can, and will, continue 
to recede with Jacki's love and attention to the point it can become a 

My hat's off to the Jacki's, the Susan Coombs's, the Janice's, the Ann 
Cassidy's, and the others who are willing to put some time into these 
oh-so-potential-rich horses but who understand that there is only love and 
partnership to be gained if we do it the right way...who understand there's 
certainly little to no chance of profit in doing this...only an immeasurable 
feeling of trust to be gained from these awesome creatures.

Karen Thomas, NC
"How do you make a small fortune with horses?  Start with a large one."

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