.  He did not WANT her on him.  Was an eye opener
>  as far as how far he has come.  I think if he changed hands again, a
>  certain type person, and I have no idea really what sets it off with
>  him, he would revert.  I just feel that in my heart after seeing him

It is interesting, Tivar never ever bucked with me but did with other
people. He used to be a horse anyone could ride and he enjoyed it.
Then when he changed, he really got grumpy and he bucked. ( ulcers
maybe) I always figured he needed to be someone's very special horse
or only horse and he was not getting that here. It has worked with
Janice because I think he knows he is her #1 riding horse. He does not
want others riding him.

He did not like training, it was not always done well for him. I do
not know about the lunging except that he hated it so I did not do it.
He would go like Karen said fast around while gritting his teeth.
perhaps he had that done in training. When he was first trained Jo did
"free" lunging with him and ran alongside him and he loved it. They
would go over obstacles and do all kinds of things and he was so


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