>>> It's a perfectly symmetrical area so there are no small pressure points and 
>>> I check them very aggressively for sore backs and get no response.  Do you 
>>> think this is something to worry about?

I used to watch sweat marks when I rode in a treed saddle, but I no longer pay 
much attention to them.  I think they can mean different things in different 
seasons/climates (as the humidity changes, etc.) and depending on the saddle 
you use.  Some saddle pads absorb sweat better than others.  There have oodles 
of discussions on sweat patterns on the treeless list, and I've finally decided 
it's not reliable enough to worry about.  I've tested the Sensations with the 
PLIP and the impressions were actually pretty good.  You say she doesn't seem 
sore at all?  If not, I'd just continue to watch for soreness, and watch for 
changes in her attitude or for changes in the sweat patterns.

I'll try to remember to get some pics of Sina's back next time I ride - 
I ever get over this stinking cold and the weather ever gets decent again... 

Karen Thomas, NC

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