I had a young neighbor girl riding with me a few years ago . . . (Oh geez, 
she's graduated from High School and is in college, so I guess it's been 
more than a few years!)  She started when she was 12 until about 15.    We 
had a GREAT time together, she riding Soley, me riding Eitill.   I even 
"borrowed" her and we went camping at the State 4-H trail ride.     Then, 
her life got busier as she entered high school with sports, social 
activities, and boys, and the horses took a backseat.

     I have to admit, I was not worried about being sued if Nikola came off 
or got injured because her parents were from Germany and their mindset was 
so totally different than that of most Americans.    Her mother EXPECTED her 
to fall off (thankfully, she never did!).    They bought her a helmet and 
boots as I requested, and away we went.

   -- Renee M. in Michigan 

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