---- Judy Ryder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
> This is a different book by Smokie Brannaman; click onto the "search inside 
> this book" link to read a few pages:
> http://www.amazon.com/Whisper-This-your-horse-yourself/dp/0979144604
   Did you think you would like this book?   I went to the Amazon site and 
poked around, reading the excerpts, etc. and frankly. . . . I was turned off.   
I found his writing style coarse and unappealing, and I'm not sure I agree with 
most of what he was saying in these few passages.    At any rate, I don't think 
I'd buy this book.    

I'll be curious to read  what everyone gets from it, or thinks.
-- Renee M. in Michigan
P.S.  Is this guy any relation to Buck Brannaman?     

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