On May 14, 2008, at 11:11 AM, susan cooper wrote:

We are lucky in this area to have one of the premier
equine dentists available for our horses. Dr. Scott
Greene is not only an equine dental specialist, he is
also the developer of dental power tools for horses.

Dr Greene has been our dentist for about 5 years now, and I learn  
something every year, generally something that my horses wish I had  
learned earlier!  This year's lesson:  it is a good idea to have the  
yearlings checked.  Ellie arrived here last April, age 8 months, and  
was seen by our regular vet  -- twice.  No one noticed that her upper  
jaw had over grown her lower so that her upper incisors were blocking  
the lower jaw from growing forward.  By the time Dr Greene saw her  
this March at our regular yearly visit, she had developed a severe  
over bite.  He shortened both the top and bottom incisors and we are  
hoping that it will partially correct itself.  If I had him out to  
check her last year . . . .  And at age 18 months they both had  
hooks, etc that were causing sores in their mouths and needed  
floating.  So it is never too early to get them checked out.  (He  
examined Dancer at 8 months and said "see him next year".)


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