On 5/19/08, Judy Ryder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> From Karen
> I just saw my 3rd degloving injury last night from a high tensile steel
> fence - one of Sarah's beloved Lipizzaner mares that was imported from the
> Spanish Riding School.

So what kind of fence is safe? I've heard of this kind of injury
before. Right before I moved the horses about a year ago, they were in
this kind of fence, two horses were standing by the fence in another
field and were killed by lightening. I think that maybe the lightening
traveled the fence and got them. We know barbed wire isn't good, I
kept my horses at a rental house with some barbed wire, I just didn't
have the money to fix someone else's fence and the mule got a bad cut,
but a lucky one, where it just got flesh and she healed fine. I would
think that electric tape is safer, as long as it's kept up, kept
tight, and the electric doesn't go out. Mine will tear the thing down
if the current goes out, then they could get tangled. Mesh isn't so
good, if it's big enough to put a foot through. It seems to me that no
fence is totally safe, but hopefully the possible injuries won't be
that bad. I don't even think a vinyl fence would be good for my guys,
the mules are nuts and would probably break it and get out, in fact
Snorri jumped through one once, when he was really young. So they
don't get hurt by the fence, but they might end up out in the road.
What I intend to do with the terrible fence mine are in now, not
really good in some spots, is put up electric tape on the inside to
keep them off the fence, but I like that there is a real fence behind
the tape, in case the current does go out.


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