> Janice - I know this was very hard for you and I'm really sorry.
> Sometimes the right decision is the hardest
> --

Thanks Laree, I know you really understand since its something you
struggle with too!  I dont think I ever told you, did I, remember we
talked about MTG and you said it helped the SE and I said it didnt
help my horses...  at the time I had never used it for SE, and I
misunderstood you to mean it helped with growing the mane back, not SE
per se...  anyway.  Then someone told me sulphur helped SE, and I
could not get oral sulphur, so i got some cattle sulphur salve and put
it on him and there was a noticeable difference in severity.  They
told me it helped because sulphur repels the gnats!  anyway so you
were right :)

Karen is sending me trausti, I dont know why she feels she has to
supply me with a horse for life :)  And trausti, oh well, you know,
someone has to put up with him, bless his heart, he is too serious and
crying out for frog slippers and bumblebee antennas on his halters but
karen has deprived him all this time and made him an introvert when he
really is a lampshade type.  Teev was an old cranky grump but my frog
slipper therapy treatments helped him mentally in a tremendous way.  I
cant wait to rehab Trausti and turn him from mr total responsibility
to the life of every party...  it is a huge task but someone has to do
it and I am uniquely skilled in that area...  Karen and Shirley are
out there amongst the troops creating model citizens, but me, I am one
of the foremost fat circus pony trainers around today.  I have a few
slots available for certified fat circus pony trainer apprentices, the
cd set is only 980 bucks and with it you get a set of bumblebee
antennas, a hula hoop, a rubber ducky swim ring and of course the very
popular copywrited frog slippers.  Once you pass the entry level one
and go on to level two fat circus pony apprenticeship you get a davey
crockett coon skin cap and horse leggings.  if you know anyone who is
interested.  maybe liz will let me tour with her and help people like
she does.
I think I am in a better mood today.... ya think?

but it will still be hard to say goodbye to my Teev!  I know Karen is
sad too!...

even good horses have bad days sometimes.

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