A couple of weeks ago, Drifa and I drove up to Reno and spent a few 
days with Mark Berry (former Parelli instructor) and his family.  I was 
there with a bunch of friends for a cow clinic.  What a blast!  The 
cattle make you (and your trusty pony)think a little differently than 
usual - because someone else (the cow) has an opinion, too.  We worked 
on some handling skills - snappy departures, turns on hindquarters, 
backing up, sweeping the front end over, etc - as well as cattle moving 
skills.  We moved them here and there, sorted specific ones out and 
then moved them, held them here...  We also had a bit of roping (# of 
times I roped Drifa (15), roped myself (12), roped a cow (3)).  I am 
pretty darned proud of the (3), though.  We used breakaway hondas on 
the ropes so that we didn't have to wrestle much with the cows.  I am 
never going to be a "real" cowboy but we had a great time and our 
general skills really improved.

Am still working on the house, but it did pass its final impection last 
Tuesday!  HOORAY!!  Move in day can't be too far away  :-)))))


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