For some reason, this didn't make it to the list the first time...

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Ferne Fedeli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sat, May 31, 2008 at 11:44 AM
Subject: EPM?

Has anyone had any experiences with EPM?  Magic has had this muscle
wasting on his left hind for awhile and I thought either one of the
other horses kicked him or he ran into a post or something.  He's had
a couple of sessions with Barbara Chasteen, who does bodywork and she
thought the same thing.  When the vet was here for the horses shots a
couple of weeks ago, she said it also could possibly be EPM, as muscle
wasting is one of the signs.  She called me back yesterday about my
old Arab, who has Ringbone (another story) and asked if I had thought
about testing Magic for EPM.  I read up on it on The Horse and also
saw there were lots of pros and cons on the tests for it, such as
false positives and false negatives, so don't quite know what to do at
this point.  Anybody got any good ideas?
Ferne Fedeli

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