Hi Jennifer, and welcome to the list.  I'll take a stab at answering your 
questions and I am sure others will chime in...

Can I use a western saddle on her?

You can use any saddle that fits her.... Western, endurance, English.... 

 I've only ever
> ridden western and wouldn't know what to do with an english one.

Riding in an English saddle is only different because of the saddle... How 
you use your leg, seat and rein aids is the same regardless of the saddle 
you are sitting on.

  I would give the Icelandic saddle an honest try before going out and 
spending money unnecessarily on a different saddle.  I would not want to 
purchase a saddle for a horse (that I may not be able to use in the future) 
if I were not going to buy the horse that I bought the saddle for.  How long 
will they let you use the saddle?  Will they let you use it as long as you 
are free leasing the horse?

> Also what is your take on a complete pellet for her?

  I think horses (especially ponies) can be fed too much extremely easily if 
fed pelleted feed.  I also think that they need to graze and have something 
to occupy their time...pelleted feed is usually eated in a hurry and then 
what are they foing to do with the free time? ... chew on fences?? and/or 
other wood in the area in which they are confined???

Hope this helps... Pat G., in MN 

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