> Trust me, going "really fast" is vastly over rated.  I love that my
> Icelandic cross can gait along in a sweet easy gait that doesn't require
> prayer.
> Nancy

or an energy level thats the same as a full blown gallop.  Teev did a
flying pace I think twice!  I really do, it felt just like a rack.
and both occasions were when other horses we were with were galloping.
 He is so laid back and easy going.  I dont think I could ever get him
to do that on his own without whipping him.  And my Jas, he did a true
rack a few times under similar circumstances and one of those times
got a stone bruise because it was such a hard pounding gait for him,
but smooth for me, on a hard clay road.  Same as teev, I would have to
beat him or panic him to make him go that fast if other horses werent
just flying.  Stonewall loves to go, but he is a horse that will be
flying and then see something imaginary and do a whirl so I dont like
to ride him with horses that are gonna fly.  So none of my horses are
really horses I want to do a speed rack.  I cant wait to ride
Trausti's runningwalk, on Fox it is my favorite gait, some speed but
still very laid back and relaxed on the horse's part...  when fox gets
going real good he stumbles and went down with me once and hopped back
up with me hanging from a stirrup, arms around his neck, and he is
very tall.  Thank Goodness he just stood there....  a nice soft easy
gait is just fine by me!  My best riding buddy has a horse that is
gaited and just plods and an appaloosa non gaited that just plods so I
dont need many speed rackers...
even good horses have bad days sometimes.

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