a nice picture Nancy, thank you.  As a person who is often around
pasos and paso riders I have to say I am not a fan of brio.  I
actually think it is a stupid macho hispanic term that is an excuse
for wild stupid behavior, yet another "emperors clothes" deal.  I
realize, yes, I am am writing this heavily under the influence of
nyquil so thereby am completely released of all imhibition and am
speaking as a heretic but it is such a great release for me, since
none of my paso riding friends are on here and can read this, for me
to vent some of my frustration.  last sunday afternoon I had to go in
the blazing heat with broken toes and no horse to a sheriffs posse
certification training class.  There were four pasos there.  of the
four only three could be ridden and the fourth, who has been sent to
formal traing six times now and is ten years old, stood tied at the
trailer the whole time rearing in an effort to break his halter and
run like a wild heathen thru the grounds.  When she walked him around
to show him off people would say oh my, he is a handful! as he would
paw at the air trying to strike you and the owner would grin proudly
and say "oh yes, he definitely has brio!"  Then in the posse session
the only horses that acted nutso were the pasos, I have ridden with
one of them literally years on the trail. where we have come up on
every obstacle known to man.  His owner is a person who I consider one
of the best horse people I know, she wont let him get away with
anything.  She is firm and loving.  He is a maniac plain and simple.
I'm sorry.  Its not brio.  its being an a-hole.  I would have so much
more respect if when people said oh my he sure is a handful if she had
grinned and said oh yes, he defnitely is an a hole!  Thats what I say
about stonewall!  why whitewash it!  I could say "oh yes, my he has
that modern show bred TWH fiery temperament!"  but i dont I claim it.
He is a big goofball nuthead what can I say.  I think I need more
nyquil. its 2:30 AM, my days melt into night. every six hours I awake
for my doses.  I wish tho that they could come up with a fancy exotic
sexy hispanic name for what stonewall is and I could tell people thats
what he has next time he acts like a nutcase in public.  Whats the
spanish word for ahole?

even good horses have bad days sometimes.

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