Sorry for your experiences, Janice.  I have never had an opossum kill my
chickens, ducks, or any other thing.  I had one as a pet years ago and he
was wonderful...I don't have rabies and neither did he.  They are extremely
gentle animals and I have never had any problems with them my entire
life...even before I rehabbed them.

Most of my dogs and cats are rescues from someone dumping them, etc.  My
great border collie, Dreyfuss was dumped in a freezing irrigation ditch in
January in Colorado...the other two didn't make it.  I, too, live in an area
where people dump animals all the time.  As I believe I've heard somewhere
around here..."Compassion is not species specific".  

Opossums aren't dangerous.  Rattlesnakes are.  We have our fair share out
I do not rescue anything that could KILL me or my animals.

SHEESH the judgement around here!

Either way...they found a home.

Mary Dudley, LVT

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