she always has an ear on him doesnt she!  You know dolphins are drawn
to children.  I have only had a couple of dolphin-in-the-wild
experiences and they were when I was a child.  Also when we lived on
the water once, it was about an eighth of a mile out before the water
got chest deep.  I watched my daughter and nephew standing neck deep
way out and could hear their voices chatter carrying over the water.
As I watched I saw a dolphin arch up near them, then closer, until he
was just hanging out with them, would turn his body one way and then
the other, cocked as if listening to their voices.  They never knew
they had company and he was with them a good fifteen minutes.  I was
on edge the whole time, but knew they were so far away I could never
get to them on time if something happened.  But i just sensed he meant
no harm, was just curious of their childish voices and gestures.  Teev
would snatch away all grouchy if a strange adult tried to pet him on a
ride.  I was tense when a kid went up to pet him and then surprised
that he seemed to not only accept it but enjoy it.

even good horses have bad days sometimes.

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