>>> Your trails are so beautiful - and shady.  The surface just looks so 
>>> inviting.

Thanks.  The surface is good, but the downside of these being private trails 
is that they don't get a lot of traffic, so the falling leaves and pine 
needles tend to cover up any stump holes that open up.  It's the coolest 
place we have to ride, but because there are holes lurking, we have to walk 
most of the way.  These trails do connect to a utility right-of-way, and 
when we get to them, we can gait or trot.  There are a few rocky spots on 
the r/w though.  We don't have lots of rocks, except on our driveway.

>>>The cameras kept compensating for low light.  I tried turning the flash 
>>>off, it still adjusted.  That's one of the few times when I miss my old 
>>>manual film cameras.  Actually, I have a digital SLR that does allow 
>>>manual settings, but it's too big to be a tiding camera.

I keep thinking I'd like a digital SLR, but I doubt I'd use one.  There are 
limitations to these tiny digitals, but they are so darned light, they can 
be there when you need them.

Karen Thomas, NC

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