>>> http://listen-to-your-horse.blogspot.com/2008/06/shoes-or-not.html

My horses have been barefoot for a long time - so long that I don't know 
exactly when - 
17-18 years, maybe?   Whatever, my horses went barefoot many years before 
barefoot guru 
Pete Ramey even took up farriery, so it wasn't like an epiphany when I decided 
to stop 
shoeing my horses - I didn't do it because it was trendy.  I did it with the 
full support 
of my farrier, even his recommendation, because we thought it best for our 
horses.  I did 
it over a period of months, one horse at a time.   Anyway, even though I have a 
record of horses being successfully barefoot, I get irritated when I see videos 
that call 
conventional shoeing "a crippling tradition."   There are horses who benefit 
from shoes, 
even if it's only for a short period.   It doesn't have to be an either/or 
decision, nor 
should it be.

Karen Thomas, NC

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