> And, "Anonymous" said... " You are just jealouse that this guy can ride a
> powerful, free spirited horse with it's own mind and lots of self-esteem.
> This is the true Icelandic breed, not some poor stunted fat circus pony 
> like
> you have. This man has skill and guts ... nothing you have."

Anyone who posts anonymously can't be taken seriously.

It goes back to the Welfare of the Icelandic Horse.

Besides, I had NO personal comment, just the quote from the article.  How would 
they know whether I was *for* or *against*?

In any case, who can NOT see that there are problems with the heavy contact, 
fighting the bit, tight saddles, ad nauseum.

If they can NOT see it... why?

And, heck, they all still read our list!  As soon as the link was posted, there 
were comments, yet the video has been out for a month with virtually no views 
and no comments until it was posted here.


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