on the color list i made the comment that splash whites were overo and
they got their panties in an uproar about that, saying splash white
was in no way overo.  ??  you could look that up in the archives mic.
Some person who breeds splash was saying it is a whole different dna
marker etc and they are two specifically different colors.  I pointed
out that the color pattern is identical, color over the back etc.  But
if you want to say they are the same hey, that just makes sense.
makes sense to me !

in the twh breed the registry was open for a while, accepting gaited
horses with unregistered parents.  So they have a snob thing there
that the first really truly pinto twh was Dusty Sally.  and since
tobiano has to have a tobiano parent you can trace your horse back and
if it goes back to Dusty Sally its a real pinto twh, whereas if it
doesnt it traces back to one of those horses when the books were open.
 My stonewall is overo sabino but he has a tobiano parent.  on the
rfdtv show they were saying the pinto spontaneously ocurred in one
paso herd in one particular area of the world, and that the farm in
alabama and the farm in fla imported studs to intoduced color into the
breed.  dont know why tobiano is prevalent since tobiano can have
overo, but maybe it is dominant?  and maybe the overo ones had lethal
white?  but the person on the tv show said at the first two farms that
bred for pinto they had a practice of breeding pinto with solid and i
dont know if that may have contributed to a lack of overo.  Breeding a
tobiano to solid every time.  Makes you wonder since icelandics have
such ancient registry books that they havent traced back to the first
tobiano yet like the TWHBEA has...  I think the first tobiano cane
from roan allen line, and I know he was sabino.  in sshbea they will
only register an overo if it has a tobiano parent but i cant figure

even good horses have bad days sometimes.

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