> I would add:
> I think it's a credit to Janice that she was able to ask Ruby to sit
> on Teev and not have a blow up.  But then that's all part of the FCTA

i have a really big professionally framed photo on the wall of my
office of Jaspar all saddled and sweaty and weary from a ride, his
expression so hangdog and grumpy, and ruby hanging off his saddle in a
cashel puppy carrier with one little arm propped up like she is just
so happy.  I was afraid SHE would freak and scratch him and cause a
train wreck.  That was the first time I ever put her on a horse.  But
he did the meanest little bad boy thing!  he seemed to deliberately
walk into the bushes and crunch her into them haha.  it was kinda
funny.  but she didn't try and hop out at all and he didn't seem upset
when she wiggled. I am going to carry her in a parade someday on a
horse, that would be fun.  Trausti seems mad about dogs coming around
him.  Karen doesn't let her dogs run wild around the horses like I do.
They are house dogs and when I let them out they don't run to the
paddocks but if they are out and i go they follow me there.  Trausti
snakes his head and sticks out his foot like "I could step on you!" at
them.  I need to get him ok with them around his feet so he won't get
upset on a trail ride if we come up on a loose dog.  I put him in with
jas tonite :)  I gave them each a pile of hay.  I have NEVER seen two
horses more alike except Gallant Boy and Jas were like identical
twins.  or clones.  But Trausti and Jas are just so identical in
temperament.  Neither one wants to have to expend the energy for a
real fight.  Jas just sanutered over, pinned his ears, made a hostile
nose push at the air and Trausti sauntered off to the other pile of
hay.  Donny said "guess Jas just showed Trauti he is number one."  and
I said "its kinda hard to tell but I guess so..."  its like Jas doesnt
want to fight but trausti just wants to be left alone so its like the
most unexciting fight for paddock leader you ever saw haha.
even good horses have bad days sometimes.

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