Thanks for all the kinds words everyone, both public and private.  As
you all realize it helps to know that others completely understand
what I'm going through because each one of us has suffered a similar
loss at one point in their lives.

I'm trying to gain some perspective on all of this.  The only thing I
can come up with that pretty much covers it is "Sh*t happens"...  But
yes, I am glad we hauled him into the hospital, and I am glad we're
having an autopsy.  That alone might give us all a glimpse into what
to avoid.  I will share the results as soon as they are available.

I know Cara is grieving his loss as well because she was the one that
basically took him out of my hands and carried him further in his
training.  He was always a boy we could trust to do the right thing,
and if it was the wrong was done gently...

My herd or rather Cara's herd and my Solon are very subdued these last
few days.  Peppy made a point of smelling my boots very thoroughly
yesterday. (Peppy and Gusti were the best of pals.)  He had a good
sniff and then very angrily tried to bite the top of my boot.  You
can't tell me horses don't grieve.


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