>>> or taterbuggersdottirsson ;)  but seriously.  is parker an icelandic 
>>> name??  I see him in stud ads. I have a nephew named parker and believe 
>>> me he is georgia redneck not icelandic. people make fun of
judy calling charm an unicelandic name   while others are ok?? seems a 
double standard.  if you are in the clique ok.  if not then you are subject 
to ridicule?

There's an imported stallion in the USA named David too.  I saw a young colt 
named Mozart for sale once, and I checked the rules - musician names 
apparently are ok....that would be if the musician's name happens to be 
Mozart or Bjork...but probably not Elvis or Aretha.   I'm SURE that Hroi 
Hrogers is ok though, because he was a singing cowboy...;)

This is the good old US of A.  It's ok (weird maybe... but ok) for Gwyneth 
to name a human baby Apple, and for Frank Z to name a baby Moon Unit.  I 
wish the Icelandic Soup Nazis could lighten up a bit and get a sense of 

Hey, could I name a filly Sylvia Night? 

Karen Thomas, NC, proud grandmare of Hroi Hrogers and Princess Buttercup...

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