--- On Mon, 6/30/08, Nancy Sturm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> Congratulations Susan and Andi.<<

Thanks, Nancy!  I think you are the only one who reads my posts! :-)

>>  How did your ride with the recovering Tevis rider go?<<

It went fine!  Whisper was a little owey on the hardpack/rocks, even with boots 
on.  Next time, I'm going to put pads in her boots.  She's always been 
"sensitive" so I hope the pads work.  Easycare has several different kinds.  We 
did 16 1/2  miles that day, and I had plenty of horse left, then the next day, 
did 9 1/2 miles with another endurance friend, and still had a happy, head 
slinging (araby sling - you know)horse.  So I think she is getting in great 
shape.  The following day (after 26 miles in 2 days) the farrier came, and 
Whisper was the first to greet me in the pen, so she is liking her time on the 
trail now.

Susan in NV     read my blog to see why I ride my horse in pink:  


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