>>> Thinking about it since it happened I've been wondering why he would do 
>>> that -- could he have been trying to groom me, or would it be some other 
>>> reason?  It didn't hurt, or pinch, it was like a soft grab.

Sometimes I think horses can be too...I don't know... too uncomfortable with 
people to let their guard down to play.  I do want my horses to be 
well-behaved, and I don't tolerate biting, but I don't want them behaving 
because they are scared.  You're right, you don't want him doing that, but 
from what you've described, I think it might be a good sign in some ways.  I 
warned Jacki that Cali might get to the point where she's a little "bad" at 
times, but not to worry about it...just correct it, but don't make a big 
deal over it and move on.  I think Cali wanted sooo badly to get the 
attention we were giving her that she was always on her Sunday-school-best 
behavior, trying extra hard to please us.  I loved her for it, but I also 
think it's important that horses know we love them no matter what, so they 
can truly relax.  So, odd as it sounds, I think a LITTLE bit of 
overly-brave.. just a little... "bad" behavior can be a good thing, 
signaling that he's settling in.

I will be very surprised if he makes a habit of it though - he was probably 
just testing the waters, to see what is, and isn't allowed in his happy new 
home.  I doubt he was trying to hurt you - how would he know how much it 
takes to hurt a human?   Now he knows... :)

Karen Thomas, NC

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