I have trouble keeping nasi from hopping into the trailer and stomping 

I bought a very beautiful/fancy Section A pony for cheap a few years back. 
She turned out to be a real witch, but she was also way cute under saddle 
and was winning over small fences against full sized horses, but whoo boy 
what a stinker she was.  She just never came off of it.  I traded her to 
Gabe's riding instructor for a wonderful mature quarter horse gelding that 
he had lots of fun with riding and showing in 4-h.

So the day I delivered Summer, who never had a lick of trouble loading, she 
jerked the lead line out of my hands and bolted for the trailer where she 
jumped in, came back out, took a turn around the yard and jumped in again.

I think I paid $500 for her.  We followed her career for a  while.  She went 
to Florida for the winter hunter jumper circuit and was for sale there for 
$20,000.  Eventually she was sold for $6500.  I never heard that her 
disposition improved a whit.


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