I hosted a PNH clinic with Farrah Green June 19-23, 2008, she has been
holding monthly clinics for my friend Susan in Custer SD for at least
a year.  My friend thought that I would love her, which I did and
asked me to host a clinic, which I did, but wow I learned more then I
thought I would, and I gained more respect from my horses, then I ever
thought possible...

Farrah, is a PNH 2 Star Instructor... she just blew me away with her
positive, confident, calm coaching style... I took Charm into the
level 1 clinic and Jewel in the Level 2 clinic, I have 2 completely
different horses. Each clinic was for 2 full days...

Charm, my 4 year old MFT/Morgan cross has been my difficult child, I
was there for her birth and she bonded to me right away, I have played
with her from birth but, we had a few holes... One of them is that she
has a habit of wanting to be in control and dominate humans and dogs,
especially my husband and his dog, when she has had enough, she makes
sure you know it... Anyway she is a very Left Brain Confident horse...
GEESH, she is the type who will stand and fight with you rather then
run away. "NO, I DON'T want to play anymore... She had been doing just
fine for the first 1.5 days. She was happy, and enjoyed learning new
things, but at one point half way through the second day she charged
me when I asked her to circle me, one to many times, in her opinion.
Farrah was right there talking me through every second of this
horrible temper tantrum. Farrah was able to walk me though her major,
in the air, on her hind legs, front legs pawing the air over my head,
explosion when all I really wanted to do was get out of there, LOL!

Farrah had me send her out over and over again, she had me doing
jumping jacks in the deep sand until she stayed out on the circle  and
was calmed down. When she circled me nicely one time, Farrah had me
bring her in and rub her all over, wow I was so glad that Farrah could
help me with her behavior, cause I had seen this same behavior at home
and had had a very difficult time with it...

Farrah then asked me if she could play with Charm, which was perfect,
cause I could then watch her and see how she played with her safely,
as I calmed down. I was shaking and nearly in tears, the emotions had
run very deep as I had faced a HUGE fear and lived through it.... What
a great experience... It was an emotional breakthrough for me... as I
have had MANY Horses in my life, but have never been able to work
through what to do with this type of horse... I am still not sure if I
have the savvy to be successful with her, but I am trying to get the
savvy and know now that I know where I can go and who I can ask to get
the savvy I have been seeking...

Oh, and this was Charm's first MOVING trailer experience, she had been
in the trailer many times, it was also her first camping experience
and her first time on a picket line for more then an hour... she spent
the night in a round pen next to my rig... she did GREAT!!! I was so
proud of her and grateful to Farrah for helping me to become a better
leader for her...

The other horse I took was Jewel, my 16 year old Multi-Gaited Morgan
gelding. I have had him for 11 years. We have been through so much
together, he was my engagement present from my husband just after
seeing Pat and Linda at the MN horse Expo and he has been my soul
horse for 11 years. He has always been an Alpha Herd Dominant, Right
Brained Extrovert horse. He is HOT, fast, and very athletic!!! When
there are other horses around us on the trail close to us he can be
dangerous, he hates having horses close to us or ahead of us on the
trail, interestingly he has been fine with my friends green horse when
I pony him or when we are teaching him to trailride, I am sure he
could sense the purpose for it and did his JOB... When we are alone he
is my perfect partner... He is beautiful and I just adore him.

He came into the ring with his head high at a trot the first day. I
thought he was beautiful, Farrah said something that really touched
me, she said he was afraid, but did not want to run around with his
head high, he was doing that cause he was afraid.... wow, that really
stuck with me the rest of the day and into the next... I had learned
with Charm that I had not been addressing zone 1 like I had thought I
had, and I soon learned that I had not been with Jewel either.. humm
that was HUGE for me and for my horses.

Farrah had me do lots of calm, loving, friendly games with Jewel, She
had us do them with the fence in zone 5 which JEWEL HATED, then we did
friendly games with the fence in zone 1, back to friendly with the
fence in zone 5, Then friendly games with my hands in all the zones,
but zone 1, 4, 5 were the most difficult for Jewel and I, humm how
interesting was that? Jewel did great with the Porcupine game in all
the zones, then we did the driving game, she had us do the driving
game from zone 3 and zone 4. Farrah told me later that if I do lots of
Driving games from zone 4 and then drive him from zone 5, I will help
him even more with excepting horses in zone 5! So we will be doing
lots of driving games here at home...

I tell you, I learned SO MUCH from doing this clinic, I am still
licking and chewing, I am sharing the highlights, but please know that
there was so much more that I can not put into words yet, that
happened to me, cause it changed me more then I ever could have
thought possible, just being around Farrah effected my soul in a
positive way. She really is an amazing young women...

Anyway, one of the things Farrah asked me to do with Jewel, that I
thought was impossible to do when she mentioned it, was to see if I
could ask him to trot for only 2 steps from a walk, then return to a
walk as he circled me. At the time he was flying around me at a fast
trot, I think I rolled my eyes, but I took on the challenge and what
it did was give me something to play with, it gave me an opportunity
to practice my savvy with him and my leadership skills in a way that
let me focus on Jewel and not on what everyone else was doing, cause
we were not doing the same tasks at the same speed as the rest of the

I was in my on little world with Jewel much of the time it seemed,
which was perfect for me, for us... Together Jewel went from trotting
3 circles around me, with his head in the air, and eyes wide, to
traveling around me with his head and neck lower, as he did a calm
trot or walk around me.. Then I could ask for a change of direction at
both the walk or a calm trot. By the end of the session I was able to
ask him to walk, then trot for about 1/4 of the circle and return to a
calm, confident walk. This was huge for me cause we were doing this
together as a team, while there were all kinds of horses and what
Jewel thought were phase 4's going on all around us... wow, wow, wow
and it just kept getting better.

Honestly, this was an amazing experience for Jewel and I because Jewel
and I are great alone and have been for a long time. I can ride him
out on trails, go fast, slow, cut tree limbs  while I ask him to take
one step at a time with the reins on his neck... I can ride him at
night in the dark alone and walk up quietly upon a deer and know he
will not bolt or freak out, but put us with a herd of horses and he
believed that it was his responsibility to take care of Zone's 1 and 5
by moving quickly away form them, because I was focusing on zones 2-4.
Once I started to focus on all of him, he relaxed, it really was
amazing to see and realize that I could have a calm, quiet, responsive
horse while other horses were moving all around us. Trail rides can be
the same with the right savvy. I think, I hope, I have it now.

The biggest highlight for me was when Farrah had 2 of us stand with
our backs together, and circle our horses around us. OMG, this was so
exciting. I had always wanted to play this game, but never, ever
thought I would be able to do it. What a thrill, Jewel was amazing, my
human partner and I worked so well together, his horse was quiet and
calm, but needed high energy phases, Jewel on the other hand needed
LIGHT, LIGHT, LIGHT, low energy phases, for Rob and I to be able to
keep the horses opposite each other and walking calmly around us, was
so much fun, we had to bring our energy up for his horse and way down
for my horse, what a great experience that was...

Farrah then had us switch partners, and do it again... this was just
as exciting, when she saw that we were all successful, she had us
bring in yet another horse, so we had 3 horses circling us as we
handed our 12 foot lines from hand to hand with our shoulders touching
each other... WOW, WOW, WOW... that was simply such an exciting
experience for me to be able to do with my horse and new savvy friends
as Jewel stayed calm with a horse in front of him and behind him... I
felt as though this task was for Jewel and I as tears of Joy streamed
down my cheeks. Ask my Savvy friends about the many happy tears I shed
over the 5 days!

When I learned that I had been addressing zones 2-4 and not addressing
zones 1 or 5 as much as I needed too...  with both of my horses...  it
was a huge WOW insight for me.. and what a change in my horses
behavior when I started to address these zones... Jewel Relaxed and
Charm become more respectful...

Before the PNH clinic, I had trouble with letting the horses out into
the pasture 2 x's a day, Jewel would push, race by and sometimes kick
Charm on his way through the gate... Now, he waits, calmly at liberty,
for me to open the gate, then he walks calmly through it... honestly,
something in me changed with the help of Farrah and my horses know it,
respect it and have been better partners since the clinic... and the
funny thing, I thought that I was doing everything right before the
clinic, even though I was having trouble in some areas, I thought I
was addressing the zones correctly, I thought my phases were good and
my timing was right etc. I learned that I was indeed doing somethings
right, but I really needed to do a few more things right. I added some
very important arrows to my quiver at this clinic that will stay with
me the rest of my life.

The best thing was Farrah never made me feel wrong, ever... she always
made me feel right and helped me to find more savvy as she presented
each game and task for us to do...

Interestingly, I really am not one to go to a Clinic, nor did I ever
think I would host one. I am so glad my friend Susan encouraged me to
do it and I know I will be hosting another clinic with Farrah next
year, maybe, if everything falls into place, another one yet this

Savvy on,
Debbie Kirchner

My horses love their track system~
The Soul of a Horse ~ has touched my soul, may it touch yours too!
~ thesoulofahorse.com ~

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