On Thu, Jul 3, 2008 at 10:10 AM, Lynn Kinsky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Jul 3, 2008, at 6:29 AM, Janice McDonald wrote:
>> Hey, the severe outbreak here in fla is not west nile!  It is eastern
>> encephalitis and we have four times the annual number of reported
>> cases and we are only 6 months into the year.  Several have died this
>> week in our tri county area.  It is due to the unusually wet
>> conditions this spring and subsequent mosquito outbreak!
>> Janice
> I suppose this is something to be happy about?  Are horses or people
> dying?
happy ??  no, a correction.  I had already posted it was a WNV
outbreak.  I just wanted people to know in case they had a space in
their vaccination schedule. its scarey to have four times the number
of annual cases of something at july.  not a good sign.  I feel not
many are paying attention cause i am in fla but i guess i should just
say it like this.  EXTRA RAIN MEANS MORE MOSQUITOS.  Uhmn, has anyone
noticed the rain in the midwest lately?  The southeast?  The
mississippi is flooding like crazy etc.  so i hope everyone gets their
shots!  eee is something we do every six months here anyway so I am
giving mine now even tho it has been 5 months.  MY vet is putting down
an average of two horses a day for a week now.  that seems almost
pandemic to me.
even good horses have bad days sometimes.

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