my jaspar is so stoic, he wont show he loves you but in the most
distant way.  You have too look deep in his eyes to see it.  Or he
will come and just stand quietly beside you.  and sigh.  Thats how you
know he loves you.  When stonewall and traveller love on him he acts
so world weary, like he wishes they would control themselves and not
be so demonstrative.  I have him in with Trausti now because they have
a good fit personality wise.  Last nite I was loving on Jas when I got
in real late.  He acted like oh gosh why must you cling so, but he
would sigh, but would step away like go on go on I am sleeping.  SO I
went to pet Trausti and Jas, too lazy to take many steps, just
reachhhhhhedddd with his nose pointed at trausti's face and trausti
just swayyyedddd away a little.  Didnt take an actual step, so jaspar
just kept pointing with his nose til Trausti swayed more and then did
a little stumble offbalance step away.  and I was thinking, this is
horse fighting in the ancient zen tradition.  Not two young hot fired
up studs, but two old laid back lazy, too mellow to fight horses.
Like Jas was saying "dont make me take an actual step to kick your
butt" and trausti was saying "alright already, dont make me take an
actual step to flee from you deadly menace." haha.  Traveller was on
the other side of the fence snorting and wheeling and lungeing around.
 like lemme in there coach.

even good horses have bad days sometimes.

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