>From Hay and Forage Grower magazine.

Midwest Hay Prices Head North

Compared to year-earlier levels, hay prices in the Upper Midwest ticked 
steadily upward during the first half of 2008, reports University of 
Wisconsin extension educator Ken Barnett in the July 4 edition of the 
"Weekly Hay Market Demand and Price Report for the Upper Midwest."

For the period Jan. 1-June 30, Barnett notes small square bale prices were 
51% higher overall in 2008 compared to 2007. Prime hay increased by 33%, 
grade one by 60% and grade two by 61%.

Over the same time period, large square bales were 51% higher overall. Prime 
hay increased by 26%, grade one by 71% and grade two by 56%. Large round 
bales were 74% higher overall. Prime hay increased by 68%, grade one by 72% 
and grade two by 82%.

When all bale types and qualities were combined, Barnett says the overall 
increase in hay price was 59%.


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