>>> Which Sensation does Cary use?  In pictures he looks quite tall.  Is he? 
>>> And do you think that helps?

He uses an English trail with a Saddleright pad.  He's 6'2" and ordinarily I 
think that would help a lot.  But, he has such a serious hip issue (probably 
needs a replacement) that his mounting is seriously impacted.  I should see 
if he'd let me get a video of him mounting - he's pretty easy-going, but 
I'll betcha he'll veto that one.   He literally has to "waller up" onto the 
horse's back.  I'm sure his disability and his weight more than outweigh any 
benefit the height provides in mounting.

Anyway, I'm only 5'0" tall, not slim, and I'm old and crippled.  I can mount 
the Sensations in a pinch from the ground.  Believe me, we are both far from 
the model of youthful coordination, but we finally got the hang of mounting 
the "right" way.   I use a breastcollar occasionally (mostly for looks) and 
I doubt that Cary has ever used one even once.

Karen Thomas, NC

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