on rfdtv they had one of the last interviews ever made with roy
rogers.  man he said some things about trigger that were purely
amazing!  Like he was in almost 300 movies and never balked or refused
any stunt, trick, full blown run, whatever he was asked.  he was a
stallion, yet so gentle with children he had pictures taken with like
seven kids on him from ears to head of the tail and was always as
gentle as could be.  He was born at a thoroughbred farm in mexico and
could run 40 mph and never fell or spooked or shied at anything.  Roy
selected his color because he thought it would look good if they "ever
filmed in color" and the day he selected trigger, they had seven
horses for him to choose from, Trigger was the third one he rode and
he didn't even get on any of the rest he liked him so much.  He was
really a special special horse, and not just eye candy i guess!  I
think they should clone him!  They have his dna in that he is stuffed
in the roy rogers museum.  in the film footage they showed of his
various stunts, tricks, chase scenes etc., he seemed to be a huge
horse really.  When Roy got Trigger he was 26 and Trigger was four and
he died at age 33.

even good horses have bad days sometimes.

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