OMG -- this sure hit home, being my Rocky also has I.R. AND Cushings.   And 
he also had a terrible founder bout 3 years ago.   And he's in his mid 
twenties. . . (youngest he could be is 22).   I am just knocking wood at 
this point, that his Pergoglide keeps doing it's job.   So far, keeping 
weight on him has not been an issue, although I've been noticing he is not 
the air fern he used to be -- a good thing now, maybe not so much later on. 
Sigh.   But you know, with horses like these, every day is a gift and I'll 
take them as they come.    I do push the envelope and let him have some 
carrots and even a few rolled oats every day.   I am trying to find balance 
in managing his condition versus his mental health.

-- Renee M. up in Michigan

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