Ofeig is now backed and being ridden on the lead rein for 5 mins at a 
time. The problem is she is so wide that Corrie's saddle (Wintec 
adjustable) is still too narrow with the new extra wide gullet. I 
need to get an inexpensive saddle that can be adjusted as she grows 
and will allow her to move. I can't beleive how much movement there 
is in her spine. It is so lovely. I would describe it as like a dance 
partner who is supple and rhythmic compared with Corrie who is more 
like a tailors dummy. She responds very well to seat aids which I 
don't want to lose by a badly fitting saddle. There is a wintec wide 
with 3 even wider gullets than the one I have. The larger two gullets 
would fit that too giving 5 sizes over all.
 I would love a balance saddle but not too soon at that price. It's a 
lot of money to ditch because she has changed shape. There is no 
point in getting Carol Brett to fit Corrie as she won't be ridden 
very much now. Only enough so she isn't left out.
 I have arranged for a master saddler to come out locally. He is 
highly recommended. All the same I hope I have done enough 'homework' 
to know that what I am buying is right.I might make a check list 
before the man comes. I don't have to buy right away. I can think 
about it. 
Then there is the heather moffat saddle. That appeals to me because 
the stirrup bars are in the right place and the shoulders are freed 
up. I didn't find I had the rising trot as good in the wintec as some 
saddles I have ridden in. My feet felt pushed forward so I couldn't 
maintain vertical balance.
A treeless sounds ideal except most of them say not for novice riders 
on green horses. I need something that will stay in place.
I know no-one can help me decide. I'll see if I can balance in this 
new saddle. (I should have tried it on the stand in the shop). While 
he is here I will get him to check Corries saddle wth the extra wide 
gullet I am sure it is a better fit for her. Her wither etc has 
filled out a lot with not being ridden in the saddle. She is actually 
up 3 gullet sizes. That medium gullet was doing damage big time. 
My head is whizzing with all the possibilities. Especially the one of 
spending a lot of money several times over. 
When her shape is stable I will get Carol Brett to see her.
Has anyone tried the trapezius saddle?
What saddle do you start youngsters in?
Sue Coombes 

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