We were off the lead rein today and I was in charge of steering. It 
went quite well. I accidentally applied the brakes a few times. she 
is so sensitive to seat that the slightest tilt means halt. I'm 
really glad to have a halt. We got tolt on the long side of the 
arena. My instructress fell about laughing because she thought it was 
the salsa. Both our bums were going to a beat. We also had a whole 
series of other unbalanced and balanced gaits. The tolt was the most 
comfortable. It seemed like it was the one Ofeig favours. Thank 
goodness it wasn't the hard pace she does in the paddock. Well, we 
are off to a good start. Lara had good news that a disabled rider 
from hong Kong wants to buy her horse to ride in the Beijing 
Olympics. She isn't sure about selling her. I told her she could 
always ride Ofeig in the 2012 Olympics but she might get 
disqualified. Lara rekons she would be very good at the lateral work 
but she's not too sure about some of the strange gaits she produces.
I have got two weeks to practice before my next lesson. She is so 
comfortable. I am over the moon. I will have to get some video soon.
I can't believe how lucky I am with her. She is going to be a great 
trail riding horse.
Corrie is improving. Lara says she is moving better and she is much 
The physio and foot care was back breaking at first. I am getting 
used to it or she is more relaxed, more like.
Sue Coombes

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