Ooo...jd alasan nomor 3 itu ternyata lebih berhubungan ke software bajakan yah? 
Bukan soal aplikasi mumpuni gitu ya om? Sori, baru tau... :p


twitter:@meykel |GTalk/ |YM:mikey4nancy |
Kirim 'masih' pake BerryHitam®. Next time pake HTC Hero Android G2 ! :))

-----Original Message-----
From: Putra Abbas <>
Date: Sat, 3 Oct 2009 22:56:42 
To: <>
Subject: [id-android] Re: Three Reasons Android Could Terminate Apple

Yah bos Meykel, ini mah argumen yang sama kaya dilontarkan para
pendukung mie kocok

1. bisa diinstall di berbagai merk komputer
2. bisa dicustomize UI-nya, dan banyak softwarenya
3. banyak software bajakannya

Tapi tetep aja Apple survive tuh :p

On Fri, Oct 2, 2009 at 6:20 AM, Meykel a.k.a 'M'
<> wrote:
> Alasan nomor 3 (Killer Apps) yg bikin ane keratjoenan Android....hehehehehe...
> Kalo dulu ada istilah, punya BB tapi belum punya iPhone, kok kurang seru ya? 
> :D
> Sekarang ada istilah baru, punya iPhone tapi gak punya Android??? Hambar 
> men.... Wkwkwkwkkwwkk...
> Rgds,
> "M"
> Three Reasons Android Could Terminate Apple
> Despite the Hype, iPhone Isn't the Only Mobile Platform in Town
> Posted by Josh Lovison on 10.01.09 @ 05:44 PM
> The smartphone market seems to be shoe-in: Apple has momentum in the space 
> reminiscent of its takeover of the MP3 player market years prior with the 
> iPod. Despite this momentum, the discerning media planner working on mobile 
> for something six months out should take note -- Google's Android is poised 
> to crash Apple's party. Why? Three reasons:
> 1). Android Clones:
> While the iPhone had Chinese imitation devices, Android will literally have a 
> clone army. The open-source system will live on a handful of devices by the 
> end of this year, and dozens of devices by the end of 2010.
> So while the system seemed to languish when the only Android device was the 
> G1, with phones like the HTC Hero and myTouch 3G, Android will traverse 
> carrier networks and handset manufacturers.
> 2). Specialized Versions:
> Android can be customized, and many of the handset manufactures are doing 
> just this. HTC has built the Sense UI, a prettier and contextually aware 
> revamp of the Android operating system, and Motorola is working on their 
> Android-based UI "Blur."
> With the ability to customize the flavor of Android for devices, it creates a 
> competitive marketplace among handsets to vie for custom features while 
> expanding the overall Android market share.
> While the iPhone has to try to juggle between enterprise users, multimedia 
> users and social network users, Android can have a tailored version for 
> phones segmented to each individual market niche.
> 3). Killer Apps:
> There's been some controversy lately about Apple's AppStore rejection 
> policies. A number of Google applications were rejected from the phone. On 
> one hand, this hurt Google's ability to roll out those services, but it also 
> gave Android a handful of killer apps.
> - Google Voice is an extremely powerful concept -- it allows users to 
> unbridle their phone number from telecoms, using Google to route calls to a 
> single number to any number of phones. It does the same for text messages and 
> turns voicemails into text. If Google Voice routed to a VoIP service running 
> on a carrier data network, it could overnight replace the need for voice and 
> text message packages.
> - Google Latitude, meanwhile, is a location based social tool which allows 
> location reporting to run in the background and send location data to 
> contacts a user specifies. Each of these pack a ton of potential utility in a 
> single application, which the iPhone doesn't have.
> Apple's position in the market is too well-rooted to be driven away without a 
> very tough fight. But Android is very much poised to stifle the iPhone's 
> growth while extending its own roots.
> Keep an eye on the friendly green robot -- behind that guise he's waiting 
> patiently, and planning carefully.
> Sumber: Adage Mobile
> twitter:@meykel |GTalk/ |YM:mikey4nancy |
> Kirim 'masih' pake BerryHitam®. Next time pake HTC Hero Android G2 ! :))
> >

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