kalo replace interfacenya magic jadi hero.. itu permanen ngga? apa
kalo reset balik lagi
mudah2 cepet sampe indonesia.....

soon sent from an android ^^

On Oct 8, 11:08 pm, Bayu Wicaksono <bwicaksono.priv...@gmail.com>
> Hmm klo 3g on terus dlm artian lo browsing trus2an.. pokoknya pemakaian
> heavy.. emg 3-4 jam doang G1.. klo mo user interface kek hero ya mending
> beli magic, harga lbh murah.. lo root.. dapet deh interface hero.. xD
> Klo mo nabung or nunggu2 mending beli behold2 or Motorola Sholes.. yg sholes
> blm keluar..bentar lg mstnya.. n rumornya bakal pake processor 1GHz.. :P
> --
> sent from my Android
> On Oct 8, 2009 10:04 PM, "Sinchan -" <veto.qual...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Ah g ah, itu batrenya aja yg dah sekarat x....
> > > On Oct 8, 2009 9:12 PM, "Superbiji" <superb...@gmail.com> wrote: > > >
> Dear RR.. salam kenal > ...

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