Kalo blom punya account sign up dulu...itu user nya no hape kita..

--- Original Message ---

From: Iwan Heryanto <iwan.andr...@gmail.com>
Sent: October 16, 2009  9:48 AM
To: id-android@googlegroups.com
Subject: [id-android] Re: Flyscreen in Market!!!

Tapi koq minta login yah? 
Abis itu ngga bisa keluarin keyboardnya pulak, cuman ada huruf P ama 
satu huruf lagi... 
Pakenya gimana sih? 
On 10/16/09, Lucky Sebastian <9b.andr...@gmail.com> wrote: 
> Wah keren banget nih flyscreen. Install ini satu bisa buang banyak widgets. 
> Fb dan twitternya keren. 
> Thanks infonya bro less. 
> Makin tjinta aja ma android 
> -sent from google android phone- 
> ----- Reply message ----- 
> From: "lesjaw.andr...@gmail.com" <lesjaw.andr...@gmail.com> 
> Date: Thu, Oct 15, 2009 22:58 
> Subject: [id-android] Flyscreen in Market!!! 
> To: <id-android@googlegroups.com> 
> Barusan cek market eh ada flyscreen.. 
> --- Sent with SEVEN on Android - the new generation of mobile messaging 
> > 
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