Segera di launching tahun depan standard wifi baru namanya "wi-fi direct", 
perangkat pasif wifi kaya di netbook, dll upgrade software ke wifi direct nggak 
usah ganti device bisa pancarin lg sebagai perangkat aktif, router makin dikit 
lah populasinya di banding device
Karena device yg ke router support yg lain

Kalo theter beda lagi sob, u pake device atau handset same aja paket datanya, 
yg jd basic adalah paket data  yg di handset kira2 begitu. Nggak perlu modem 
kalo mau koneksi dan cabut sim card, lu konek aja device ke handset, tether dah 

Hehe, share dikit 

tabik for the people

-----Original Message-----
From: Sinchan - <>
Date: Wed, 4 Nov 2009 20:32:31 
To: <>
Subject: [id-android] Re: WTA: software pemancar hostpot

berarti jadi routernya ya?
kemaren sih baca di milis ada....
emang di market ga da ya?
coba deh tanya ama yg suhu2....

On Wed, Nov 4, 2009 at 2:25 PM, Mocha Wahid <> wrote:

> Wireless tether?
> Sol
> Mocha
> sent from magic 32b
> amon-ra rec1.2.1g .Rom Rav 1.6.2. - DONUT . theme MotBlur
> On Nov 3, 2009 3:41 PM, "Surianto" <> wrote:
> Teman2 apakah ada software menjadikan android kita pemancar hotspot?
> Thanks.
> >

Muhamad Ikhsan

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