Yo, sayang sih android market lom support indonesia >.<
kalo udah kan mantap bisa jualan hehe
solusi laen sih kek slideme ama andappstore, tapi kurang rame
any idea?

On Nov 9, 6:29 pm, prasetyo.benedik...@gmail.com wrote:
> Mantep tuh kedengarannya, maklum bukan coder
> Bene
> tabik for the people
> -----Original Message-----
> From: "re...@milis" <funky81.mi...@gmail.com>
> Date: Mon, 9 Nov 2009 18:27:55
> To: <id-android@googlegroups.com>
> Subject: [id-android] Re: salam kenal
> Ada yg mo coding Bareng? Gw gak gitu bisa bikin user interface,tp kalo core
> function boleh lah. Gw sendiri lg nyoba bikin fb client yg sekelas Di bb.
> Integrate ma contact....
> sent from Magix Donut
> On Nov 9, 2009 6:00 PM, "lesjaw.andr...@gmail.com" <lesjaw.andr...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> Salam kenal jg..bikin app YM dunk..yg Android taste seperti IM
> --- Original Message --- From: re...@milis <funky81.mi...@gmail.com> Sent:
> November 9, 2009 5:58 ...

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