Wah koq ga bisa di donlot yah oom??

...with my G1

-----Original Message-----
From: Muhammad Rayhan <saviour...@gmail.com>
Date: Sun, 15 Nov 2009 18:15:59 
To: <id-android@googlegroups.com>
Subject: [id-android] Midomi on Android

Ternyata udah ya, di search di market blon ketemu.


Buat yg blon tau, Midomi itu aplikasi buat ngesearch lagu based on
potongan lagu. Bedanya dgn Shazam, dia bisa search potongan lagu yg
kita nyanyiin sendiri (humming). gw barusan nyanyi lagu OASIS, trus di
search deh ama midomi, eh bisa =))

 * @Name Rayhan
 * @GTalk saviourcat
 * @Yahoo md_ray
 * @Twitter md_ray
 * @SentFrom web

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