oh gitu ya, sip. thnx.
nanti sampai kantor saya cari deh.

salam -widi-

On 7 Dec 2009 09:14, "Subanindiyo Ardi" <subanindiyo.a...@gmail.com> wrote:

 Maksudnya kernel port yg dibuat oleh brian crook untuk kebutuhan penggunaan
cm di magic 32a mas widi.

> > ----- Original Message ----- > From: widi dream > To:

> Sent: Monday, December 07, 2009 9:05 AM > Subject: [id-android] Re: ROM
Turunan Cyanogen (WG-Buil...

> kernel bc ? kernel apaan tuh boss? > dimana bisa downloadnya ? > maklum
masih awam dg magic, dan b...

>> >> > > On 6 Dec 2009 23:14, "Lesjaw Ardi" <lesjaw.andr...@gmail.com>
wrote: > > Aaaaaaaahhh...bi...

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