Boy Genius offered a load of dish Monday on Verizon Wireless' roadmap
through 2010 and 2011. Some of the rumored devices we've heard about
already, but not everything has been discussed before. According to
the tipster, Verizon will have a Motorola Droid Pro global phone by
November, two other global handsets from Samsung and HTC, a Moto
Android device that will resemble the company's long-departed Q
smartphone, and Android-powered tablets from Motorola and Verizon. And
on the 4G front, Boy Genius predicts that Verizon will have LTE
service across 75 percent of the country by April 2012 and that LTE
data pricing will start at $59.99 per month
Seriously, that's juicy stuff and it all sounds very probable. And
thanks to CNET's own Verizon tipster, we're able to expand on Boy
Genius' tidbits with additional information.
As Boy Genius said, the 10-inch Motorola tablet will run Android 3.0.
We're hearing a launch by the end of the year, however.
The 7-inch Samsung Tablet, which also will run Android 3.0, will have
a book design with a tablet screen on one side and an e-book reader on
the other. You'll be able to use each screen independently and close
the device for easy portability.
The HTC global Android phone should have the name "Lucerno." I didn't
get any further details on the Samsung tablet.
The Motorola Droid 2 will finally make its debut by August 20.
As we've predicted already, Froyo will arrive on the Droid X by early September.
Android OS 3.0 "Gingerbread" will be out by the fourth quarter of this
year and will include enhanced enterprise management features. This
will be the update that makes the Android a truly corporate-friendly


Agus Hamonangan
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