Pak Bagaimana Cara Mengetahui Melestone XT720 Kita Sudah Di Root atau


On Aug 6, 12:49 am, Iwan Koster <> wrote:
> saya copykan dari forum-xda ya (agak males nerjemahinnya) dan berikut file
> yg diperlukan :
> Just to simplify the procedure for root access:
> 1. Download the attached archive and expand it to a folder you can find (eg.
> c:\desktop)
> 2. Set up ADB
> 3. On the phone: Home, Menu Button, Settings, Applications, Development:
> Make sure the "USB debugging" option is enabled/checked.
> 4. Status bar, USB connection: Make sure "PC Mode" is selected.
> 5. Open a command prompt (Windows: Start, Run, "cmd", OK; Linux: Terminal)
> 6. Run "adb devices". If you don't see your device listed under "List of
> devices attached", return to step 2 and follow the link to setup ADB (use
> that topic for support) and return here when "adb devices" lists your X.
> 7. Run "CD c:\desktop" (or where ever you expanded the archive)
> 8. Run "adb push Superuser.apk /sdcard/Superuser.apk"
> 9. Run "adb push su /sdcard/su"
> 10. Run "adb push busybox /sdcard/busybox"
> 11. Run "adb push exploid /sqlite_stmt_journals/exploid"
> 12. Run "adb shell"
> 13. Run "cd sqlite_stmt_journals"
> 14. Run "chmod 755 exploid"
> 15. On your phone, navigate to a screen where you can switch wifi/bluetooth
> on/off easily (settings, or a home screen with a widget)
> 16. IMMEDIATELY after executing the next step, toggle wifi or bluetooth off
> and back on
> 17. Run "./exploid" and follow directions on screen. Once this completes
> you'll be back at a shell prompt.
> 18. Run "rootshell". You'll be prompted for a password.
> 19. Type in password "hola mundo" and press Enter then you are root! (You'll
> know because your prompt will now be a "#" instead of "$")
> 20. Run "cp /sdcard/Superuser.apk /system/app/Superuser.apk"
> 21. Run "cp /sdcard/su /system/bin/su"
> 22. Run "cp /sdcard/busybox /system/bin/busybox"
> 23. Run "chmod 4755 /system/bin/su"
> 24. Run "chmod 4755 /system/bin/busybox"
> 25. Run "rm /system/bin/rootshell"
> 26. Run "exit" to drop from root to a non-root user shell (on phone still)
> 27. Run "exit" to drop back to your machine command prompt (instead of
> phone)
> 706KViewDownload

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