Masih adakah pengguna X10 disini? 

The wait is almost selesai :)

The Android 2.1 update for the Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 (see our hands on with 
the AT&T version) should start rolling out soon, so it's high time that someone 
leaked a video of it in action.  This is great news for everyone using the X10, 
as the awesome and capable hardware, (we expect great hardware from SE) has 
been languishing away on Android 1.6 for what seems like forever.  Sure would 
like to see Froyo running on the X10, but we'll take what we can get at this 

The video (after the break) shows a vanilla looking Eclair, but it stands to 
reason that Timescape and other UI tweaks will be around on the final version.  
Some of the tweaks are pretty nice, so it's a fair trade.  As always, no word 
on when to expect the update, other than "soon" or "this month," so keep an eye 
out and let us know if you see it! [SE-nse blog]

Posted originally at Android Central

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